plastic Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development Greening our world through content Sun, 10 May 2020 06:57:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 plastic Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development 32 32 162136420 Plastic Bans in the world: A look at the countries that have implemented full or partial plastic bags bans and taxes Thu, 18 Jul 2019 10:43:59 +0000 By David OkulJuly 18, 2019 Plastic bags were hailed as one of the marvelous inventions of the 20th century. Although the product was primarily invented in 1907 by Leo Baekelan, its widespread use occurred post World War II. Baekelan and other early inventors created plastic in small batches and the industrial production of polythene was […]

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By David Okul
July 18, 2019

Plastic bags were hailed as one of the marvelous inventions of the 20th century. Although the product was primarily invented in 1907 by Leo Baekelan, its widespread use occurred post World War II. Baekelan and other early inventors created plastic in small batches and the industrial production of polythene was in 1933 when a chemical plant in Northwich, England created it by accident. It was secretly used by the British military during World War 2. A Swedish company called Celloplast patented the polyethylene bag in 1965 by engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin.

It became even more popular in the 1970s in Europe and by 1980s most countries in the world had switched from the use of paper to plastic. By the mid-1990s, countries were appreciating the adverse environmental impacts of plastics. For instance, in 1997, a researcher discovered and reported the Great Pacific Garbage Patch that demonstrated how plastic was killing sea turtles as they mistook them for Jellyfish.

With the UN estimating that approximately 5 trillion bags of plastic are produced per year, plastics are often described as the number one consumer product in the world. But the plastic shopping bags are now emerging as one of the worlds’ most banned products because of their adverse environmental impacts. As of July 2018, the United Nations estimated that 127 nations have either implemented some sort of ban or tax for the bags. The bans are so widespread that even the terrorist group Al Qaeda joined in the banning. Strange world!

The European Union took steps to ban the bags as an effort to clean up the European beaches. The European Union targets that by 2025, plastic bottles should be made of recycled content and by 2029, 90% should be recycled.  In the United States, New York followed the steps took by California to ban the bags. Other states have mandatory recycling or reuse programs while at least 10 states have placed preemptive bans.  Reusethisbag presents a list of countries that have implemented some sort of restrictions

Countries that have banned plastic
Many countries are realising the harmful effects of plastic to the environment and health. Over half of the countries in the world place some restrictions on plastics (Source: Reusethisbag)

Countries in the third-world (such as Bangladesh, Cameroon, Burundi, Rwanda, Myanmar, Kenya and Nepal)are leading the world in banning plastic. More developed countries (e.g. Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom) tend to favor taxes in controlling the plastic menace. Many other countries favor partial bans or tax.

Countries are increasingly taking action against plastics

Bangladesh implemented a ban in 2002. Before the ban, there was a widespread fallacy that plastic bans and taxes would disproportionately harm poor nations and people who relied on the ‘free’ or inexpensive plastic paper bags to carry their belongings. As of April 2019, Africa led the bans with 34 countries implementing bans and taxes. 31 of the countries were in sub-Saharan Africa, among the world’s poorest regions. Kenya implemented a ban in 2017. Its ban is among the most punitive with violators facing up to 4 years in prisons and/or US$ 38,000 in fines for using or distributing plastics.

Generally, the bans have proven to be a success in reducing the number of plastic wastes generated. For instance, Denmark passed the first plastic bag tax in 1993 and on average, a person uses four plastic bags a year. In contrast, a person in the United States uses 300 bags a year.

The bans of plastic bags often spawn to the bans of other products such as plates, cups, cutlery, straws, and bottles. Single-use plastics account to 40% of the plastics manufactured on the global scale.

Despite the numerous bans on the product, plastic bags are still ubiquitous in many parts of the world. Part of the reason for the limited success of the bans is the political opposition to the bans. Additionally, the WRI (2018) report that over 90% of the countries implementing bans favored partial over total bans. Partial bans have various exceptions on thicknesses and usability. For instance, In Kenya, companies can use plastic bags to package their products as long as they label them.

At Silvica, we believe that responsible consumer behavior is key in addressing the issues of plastic menace. If consumers are to increasingly shun plastic packaged products, the industry will be forced to comply. But, the issue is not as easy as that. Plastic is probably the cheapest form of packaging and consumers will often prefer cheaper products. Talk of conundrums!

Single Use plastic is a pertinent environmental problem of the day
A banner against a backdrop of a polluted ocean, mainly because of single use plastic (Image Source: Daniel Müller / Greenpeace)

David Okul is an environmental management professional with over 10 years experience on donor projects, conservation, forestry, ecotourism, and community-based natural resources management. When not working on  active environmental management projects, I spend my time writing for Silvica on a variety of topics. 

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Are Plastics back in Kenya Despite the Ban? Thu, 18 Jul 2019 08:04:47 +0000 By David OkulJuly 18, 2019 On the 28th August 2017, the then Cabinet Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Professor Judy Wakhungu, banned the use, manufacture, and importation of plastic bags used for commercial and household packaging through the Gazette Notice number 2334 and 2356. Kenya followed the footsteps of countries such as Denmark, Bangladesh, […]

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By David Okul
July 18, 2019

On the 28th August 2017, the then Cabinet Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, Professor Judy Wakhungu, banned the use, manufacture, and importation of plastic bags used for commercial and household packaging through the Gazette Notice number 2334 and 2356. Kenya followed the footsteps of countries such as Denmark, Bangladesh, and Rwanda that had implemented a plastic ban. And, its penalties are among the harshest in the world.

The ban affected all plastic secondary package carrier bags notwithstanding their thickness or color. Nevertheless, flat plastic bags for industrial primary packaging were exempt from the ban as long as they were not available for sale outside the industrial setting and they should be printed with the name of the company and the product. Also, the ban did not affect plastic sheets for construction and greenhouses, cling films, and adhesive tapes.

Plastics are known to cause a myriad of environmental problems.

Plastic pollution is a problem
Plastic bags are a major cause of pollution. They often end up affecting domestic and wild animals. Sea creatures are perhaps the most affected by plastic (Image by Francis Ray from Pixabay)

Plastic pollution have diverse negative effects that range from climate change to animal health. Bans on plastics go a long way in addressing some of the effects of plastics

Plastic must be the bad boy of pollution

The primary purpose of the ban was to reduce plastic pollution in the country. Although the convenience of plastic bags is virtually unmatched, it also brings extraordinary environmental problems. For instance, the material doesn’t biodegrade and would most likely end up in the ocean leading to devastating consequence to the marine life.

In theory, some of the plastic wastes could be recycled. However, only 1-3% of plastic is recycled in practice. The rest of the plastic is ubiquitous in landfills, oceans and the streets. The pollution is not only present at the disposal stage as its production process is also a concern. Plastic production uses up to 8% of global oil resources.

Kenya banned plastic because of the environmental problems associated with it. The plastic bags were, and are still an eyesore, in some of the major towns in Kenya. The eyesore was also present in some of Kenya’s unrivaled natural heritage sites such as the beautiful Masai Mara.  For the residents of cities such as Nairobi, plastic bags were a major contributor to the blockage of drainages leading to flooding. Numerous reports have also shown that plastic bags were eaten by livestock and wildlife to their detriment. Moreover, they also presented public health risks as reusing plastic is a hotbed for pathogens.

The decision to ban plastic in Kenya was certainly welcome by a variety of stakeholders including environmentalists and public health professionals.

The imperfect ban

The common saying half a loaf of bread is better than no bread could apply to the plastic ban in Kenya. An imperfect ban would be better than no ban. The ban is imperfect because of two reasons. First, polypropylene is still widely used in Kenya. Secondly, it is suspected that single-use plastic bags are making a comeback. Although they are still plastics, polypropylene reusable and are not as thin as the polythene bags that could be easily carried by the wind.

However, a more concerning issue is the observation of the re-emergence of plastic bags. The small colorless plastic bags are noticeable in most market areas of Kenya. Does this mean that the government is more relaxed about the plastic ban?

Supermarkets have complied with the ban in Kenya, but not the small scale traders
A trader in Kenya displays some of her goods in the supposedly banned single use plastic bags (Photo from The East African).

Businesses such as supermarkets have complied with the ban. Additionally, companies that used to manufacture the bags have stopped, and closed, or resorted to other businesses. Nevertheless, The EastAfrican reported in 2018 that the ‘banned’ plastic bags are back amongst small traders vending fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, and paraffin. However, the vendors rarely display the bags in public. Many choose to use the bags only for the customers they know and trust. New customers are often told to bring their own carrier bags.

The small traders claim that plastic bags are their ideal packaging material because of its convenience. The product is still cheap and is their preferred packaging material because of its hygienic and unbulky nature. Most of the traders claim that they are using plastic bags because they see their colleagues use them. The major fear that the traders have is that they may lose business to the traders who have the bags.

Ironically, the buyers claim that it is the traders fault. The EastAfrican report that one of the buyers’ claim, “I’m only buying goods, so I take them in whatever material they’re packed in.” It is difficult to assign blame, but we think the buyer should steal demand that the goods bought should be packed in ‘legal’ packaging. After all, the risks for using and distributing plastic bags in Kenya is up to 4 years in prison and fines that could range from $19,417 and $38,834.

Obviously, there are dealers who distribute the bags to traders as the bags are readily available in most parts of Kenya. The EastAfrican report that a pack of 200 flat bags used to retail at US$ 0.3 and 0.5, but it now costs at US$ 1.5. The trade of flat plastic bags must be a booming business!

It is suspected that most of the bags in Kenya emanate from Uganda. The Kenyan environmental czar, the National Environmental and Management Authority (NEMA) is aware of the mushrooming business of illegal plastic trade. It warns that users and distributors of illegal plastic risk severe punishment from the law.

At Silvica, we think the buyer has the greatest responsibility in ensuring that the plastic ban in Kenya is effective. Buyers should carry their own packaging materials when they are making purchases. They should insist on avoiding purchasing goods packaged in illegal plastic. Businesses are only responding to the demands of the buyer. After all, the plastic ban is beneficial to the small scale traders as it relieves them of the responsibility of packaging material for the products!

References and Resources

David Okul is a freelance writer, and a PhD student at a Kenyan university

The post Are Plastics back in Kenya Despite the Ban? appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .
