introduction to project management Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development Greening our world through content Wed, 18 Mar 2020 14:55:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 introduction to project management Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development 32 32 162136420 Establishing winning project teams Wed, 18 Mar 2020 14:44:31 +0000 By David Okul March 18, 2020 For every project to succeed, it must have clear and defined project goals. To achieve these goals, project managers need to distribute roles and assign responsibilities to the right people. This task will include getting people for both management and non-management positions. It also includes getting people with soft […]

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By David Okul
March 18, 2020

For every project to succeed, it must have clear and defined project goals. To achieve these goals, project managers need to distribute roles and assign responsibilities to the right people. This task will include getting people for both management and non-management positions. It also includes getting people with soft skills and varied professional abilities. In short, projects need team players.

A project team comprises of different team players who perform various roles within the same project for a given period.

It would help if you appreciated that a team includes people of different backgrounds and expertise. A winning team seeks to integrate the various people into one unit.

Understanding the critical project players

How you approach a project depends on the nature of the project itself. However, there are typical player roles that will work for any project team. They are as follows.

  • Project Sponsors

This team player refers to the person or the group that owns the project. They are the reason why there is a project in the first place. Project sponsors do not engage in the day to day running of the project. But, they are involved all through the project to ensure its success.

As far as implementation and control are concerned, project sponsors are above the project manager. However, they must set boundaries and not overstep on the duties of the project manager.

The project sponsor also engages with other stakeholders to help in decision making whenever it isn’t straightforward to reach a consensus. They determine risks and effect changes that may be beyond the project manager to give the go or no go at different stages of the project’s life cycle.

  • Project Manager

This team member is the point person that spearheads a project. Once appointed, project managers become the face of the project and get involved in the day to day operations. They play a leadership role, which consists of motivating and coordinating team members at each stage of the project.

They set milestones and determine the work scope when they are scheduling project activities. Project managers are also problem solvers whenever issues arise during the project.

Project managers are the link between Project sponsors and other key players. They communicate the desires and effect the changes made by the sponsors of the project.

Project managers are often credited or discredited for the success or failure of a project. 

  • Team members

They are at the heart of operations. The main task involves the execution of project activities as scheduled by performing designated assignments. Team members can either be external staff or in house members. They may be engaged full time or on a part-time basis depending on their professional and soft skill sets that they possess.

In creating the killer project team, you should consider the stakeholders in totality. Generally, there are two types of stakeholders including internal stakeholders (sponsor, customer, management, and project team) and external stakeholders (suppliers, sub-contractors, government, communities, and the media)

Challenges in establishing winning project teams

Although creating winning project teams is a desire of all project managers, some common problems make it hard to develop teams. Some of these challenges include:

  • Different points of views of the various stakeholders. Each stakeholder should understand the project objectives and interests
  • to mitigate the problem.
  • A capable team is hard to form when the objectives are not clear to all the team players.
  • Lack of a credible leader. Teams are often ineffective if the team leader is perceived as incompetent by the other members.
  • Lack of commitment from other team players: It is hard to form a winning team if members are disinterested in the project. Problems also arise when some of the team members are incompetent.
  • Communication problems: Effective communication could overcome most of the challenges in developing a team.

The phases of project team development 

Forming winning teams is achievable through the five stages of team development. The steps include forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Bruce Wayne Tuckman developed the stages.

  1. Forming is the first stage and involves the team members introducing each other. The team leader needs to communicate the project goals and objectives at this stage effectively.
  2. In the storming phase, the team members compete for status and ideas. As such, conflicts are frequent in the stage. The period is difficult for team members who dislike conflict. However, the project manager needs to ensure that team members listen, appreciate, and respect each other’s ideas. Some teams rarely move beyond storming as they dwell on the conflicts leading to low morale
  3. Team working together as a unit marks the norming stage. Now, the team does not compete. Instead, the focus is on established procedures and practices.
  4. Unlike the other stages, the performance phase doesn’t require oversight. Nevertheless, the team leader continues to monitor progress while celebrating milestones. Still, there is a chance of team reverting to previous stages. For instance, a new member joining the unit may cause the team to return to the forming stage.
  5. The adjourning stage occurs when the project comes to an end, and the team members move into different directions. It is a good idea for teams to have a review during adjournment to document the lessons learned.

 Resourcing your team effectively

A resource is an umbrella term that refers to the people working on a project, the equipment they will use, and the site of the project. Even though resources may refer to assets in general, here, resources refer to the people on your team.

 Nowadays, companies are under immense pressure to deliver technologically advanced services and products with reduced budgets. But make no mistake; ineffective resource management leads to reduced productivity, poor quality, low morale, and increased costs, amongst other negative consequences.

When it comes to managing resources, high utilization of people does not mean proper resource management. Instead, ensure that your resources work on projects that are specific and aligned with their skill set. Also, take care not to over-commit your funds, as it may limit people’s innovation and growth.

The following are the best practices for resource management

  • Identify the resources in short supply and adjust your plans according to their availability. This practice will help you avoid unnecessary delays in your project.
  • Find a common approach to prioritize work when resources must be shared.
  • Deploy the use of different methodologies to work with different people within your organization.
  • Resource management is a continuous process. Understand that changes are inevitable, and conflicts will occur. Resolving resource conflicts is a primary concern.
  • Plan your work, and where possible, make use of automated processes to help with the administration work.
  • Always account for the non-project time. When planning for both short term and long term, consider your teams off days, paid time, and overtime. Also, account for the loss of time on everyday routines like a delayed email response, general meetings, etc.
  • Limit or avoid multi-tasking. It may appear efficient on surface value, but the results are often low productivity.

In summary, establishing a winning project team is no accident. It requires a deliberate selection of team players from the various stakeholders. Of importance is that the team players have a clear understanding of the project goals throughout the phases of team development.

David Okul is an environmental management professional with over 10 years experience on donor projects, forestry, and community-based natural resources management.  

The post Establishing winning project teams appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .

The Five Phases of Project Management Explained Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:22:13 +0000 By David Okul March 17, 2020 There is a common misconception that assumes a project manager’s job is reminding people about the deadlines of projects. On the contrary, a manager’s job involves executing the science of the phases in project management. A manager will make sense of the seemingly dozens or hundreds of activities required […]

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By David Okul
March 17, 2020

There is a common misconception that assumes a project manager’s job is reminding people about the deadlines of projects. On the contrary, a manager’s job involves executing the science of the phases in project management. A manager will make sense of the seemingly dozens or hundreds of activities required to complete a project.

Project management rides on the single idea that every project runs through several phases. And that these stages are marked with distinct activities to see through a project from concept to conclusion. The Project Management Institute (PMI) developed the five steps, which are a cornerstone to understanding project management. 

All projects, whether big or small, have constraints like time, cost, and resources (triple constraints). When dealing with any project, to avoid getting lost in your jamboree, you must structure your project and define individual processes all through the entire project’s life cycle.

The next section explains the five stages of PM:

  1. Project Initiation Phase

This stage marks the beginning of a project where an abstract idea is actualized to a meaningful goal. Sponsors and stakeholders determine the viability of the project. They decide whether or not to soldier on with the project to the next stage. But before this, they must establish the need for the project.

The nature of the project determines the kind of feasibility study to undertake. For many projects, business charters or project initiation document marks the conclusion of the initiation stage.

The particulars of a project charter consist of the project goals, existing constraints, appointment of a project manager, timeline to achieve deliverables, associated risks, available resources, and the budget.

After placing the goals into scope, you should proceed to identify stakeholders with their roles, range of influence, and communication requirements.

The charter does not touch on the technical details of the project.  It borders on the fringes of the idea as a whole. For example, suppose a luxury boat manufacturer plans to develop an electric boat. The initiation stage will not discuss details such as the design selection, source of power, or the capacity of the boat. Instead, the stakeholders will focus on developing the electric boat within a specified period and a predetermined budget.

  1. Project Planning

This phase is where project managers earn their coin. They need to come up with solid plans that will guide the team to see through the project to its logical conclusion. A well-drafted project will be inclusive of how resources are to be acquired, the financing of the project, and the procurement of the required materials on each stage.

The project plan will direct the team on ways to achieve quality deliverables, how to cope with risks, and ways to communicate with the stakeholders and suppliers.

In this complex phase, project managers handle all operational requirements, functional requirements, and design limitations. There must be a plan for changes and the risks associated with the changes. To achieve this, they need to develop S.M.A.R.T and C.L.E.A.R objectives as defined below.

Smart goals help to vet individual goals with a fine comb.

  • S- Specific. Should answer the questions who, what, where, when, why, and which.
  • M- Measurable. Develop metrics that will assess the goals.
  • A- Achievable. Identify critical goals and how to attain them
  • R- Realistic. Create goals that are attainable within the prevailing conditions
  • T- Timely. Have a specified timeframe to achieve the purpose(s) you have set.

 Modern organizations and businesses prioritize setting ‘clear’ instead of ‘smart’ goals. Clear goals mean:

  • C- Collaborative. Goals should bring employees to work together
  • L- Limited. It should have a limited time scope and be manageable.
  • E- Emotional. If employees are passionate about the goals, then it is easy to get optimum output.
  • A- Appreciable. Be able to break big tasks to small achievable tasks
  • R- Refinable. You should be able to keep refining your goals as new situations arise. Have flexible goals that can adjust to changing tides.


  1. Execution Phase

This stage is also considered the creative phase as a lot of activities take place during this time. The plan takes shape as a concept but later becomes tangible deliverables. This stage will most definitely start with an all-inclusive meeting (Kick-off meeting) so that everyone can have a clear perspective of their role in the project and the time they will be required to deliver.

This phase is also laden with reports as most tasks capture the project’s metrics. Reports include status reports, human resource reports, performance reports, development updates, and meeting updates. Understanding your metrics at this early stage will help you know if you are on course to hit the target objectives or to miss the mark.

The project manager will ensure that processes are implemented to the letter, assign tasks to the strengths of each stakeholder and employee. Allocate resources to relevant peoples.

This phase also reveals the problems that are inbound and will occur. Time management, the morale of the team, and quality management all take precedence at this pivotal point. A project manager should be able to address these issues early before they escalate and hinder the smooth progress of the project.

To get accurate results during this phase, a project manager should establish a way to set up a tracking system that will give timely reports of the project. This system can be a software or can be an employee whose work is to keep track of project progress manually.

Project management software is available in the market, and they help make your work easy by improving the accuracy and efficiency of your team’s efforts.

The execution phase and the monitoring phase may often coincide, but they should be treated as two separate entities as the two operate on two different sets of requirements.

  1. Project monitoring and control phase

The project manager is the contact person for both hands-on stakeholders and those who do not engage in the day to day running of the project.

As such, a project manager must practice effective communication and measure project progress to ensure timely dispatch of resources and funds. To ensure that everyone involved maintains the course, project managers should establish key performance indicators and critical success factors.

Key performance indicators (KPI) include

  • Project objectives. You should be able to use goals as a reference to spot if the budget is intact, and the project schedule is in line with the purposes of the stakeholders.
  • Quality deliverables. The deliverables and tasks require accuracy that can be translated both on paper and while executing the project.
  • Cost tracking. As a project manager, you are accountable for everything, including the budget. Always track the cost of acquiring resources and work within the allocated budget. This particular tracking can help the project if you can meet all objectives by the completion date set for the project.
  • Project performance. Help keep a watchful eye over the project. Tracks all progress and takes account of changes contrary to the project plans. A project manager will, therefore, address issues as soon as they arise.

Unforeseen changes and hurdles can derail a project’s progress if there are no systems in place to track the slightest changes in due course.

A project manager needs to perform quantitative tracking of the team’s effort. This process is essential for future projects, as well.

  1. Project closure phase

The closure marks the end of a project after the final delivery. The project manager oversees the finalization of the paperwork before terminating the contract. The use of hired external help can be useful, especially since they will be looking from an outsider perspective.

It is common practice for project managers to convene a reflection meeting after the end of a project. This method effectively ensures a continuous environment of growth and will enhance the productivity of your team and individuals in the future.

When a project comes to a close, it does not necessarily translate to success. Even unsuccessful projects must come to a logical ending. Reports at the closure of projects provide useful archives for future managers.

Every project that comes to an end offers invaluable lessons. A project management system is necessary to store completed projects. There are project tools that can give an audit trail so that a company can leverage past projects to current team efforts. You should consider a flexible system that can be optimized and provide new information as you feed it.

Project managers should also come up with a punch list and list things that never got accomplished. Consequently, they can work with selected team members to complete them. After that, project managers should prepare a final budget and a final report.

The budget should account for used or unused resources. Other ongoing projects can utilize unspent budgets.

 Finally, the project ends when all project documents and deliverables are handed to the client or stored in a single place within the company records.

Breaking down a project to these phases will uncomplicated even the most complex of projects. The idea is to be systematic and adjust to every situation in all stages.

David Okul is an environmental management professional with over 10 years experience on donor projects, forestry, and community-based natural resources management.  

The post The Five Phases of Project Management Explained appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .

Know About Project Management Basics Tue, 17 Mar 2020 15:55:42 +0000 By David Okul March 17, 2020 As a standalone, Project Management refers to the experience, skills, knowledge, processes, and methods aimed at achieving the goal(s) of a project. It involves critical planning, organizing, execution, and management of things as well as people. The aim of project management is to ensure that projects are concluded successfully. […]

The post Know About Project Management Basics appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .


By David Okul
March 17, 2020

As a standalone, Project Management refers to the experience, skills, knowledge, processes, and methods aimed at achieving the goal(s) of a project.

It involves critical planning, organizing, execution, and management of things as well as people. The aim of project management is to ensure that projects are concluded successfully. The project management basics can be summarized in four phases.

Phases/stages involved in project management

Even though it may appear tedious or complicated on paper, in reality, project management is a step by step process that guarantees projects are completed in time. It requires a series of logical stages to complete a project and achieve desired results and quality standards.

  • Initiation Phase- It involves meeting the client (and/or stakeholders) to analyze and establish whether or not resources are available for the successful implementation of a project. At this stage, all the stakeholders should agree on the objectives and implementation of the project. Lack of clear objectives in the planning phase is a major contributor of project failures.
  • Planning Phase- Developing the step to step details of what needs to be done during a projects life cycle.
  • Monitoring and Execution phase- This involves the preparation of deliverables and gaining control of the progress of the project. To many people, execution is the most important part of the project cycle.
  • Closing phase- It involves the review of finished contracts before full closure.

Examples of projects that often require project management

Projects refer to a series of activities needed to achieve particular goal. In essence, we deal with projects often in our day-to-day lives whether at home, work, or school. Some examples of common projects include

  1. Construction, mining and quarrying projects

They usually involve industrial projects. What is common for such projects is that the fulfillment stage is conducted on a far off-site away from the contractor’s office.

Construction projects target to erect buildings, tunnels, roads, and bridges. As for mining, quarry and petrochemical management, the elements must be exposed to the site.

Projects of such stature bear special risks and often require huge capital investments, thorough management and tracking of progress as well as quality in the deliverables.

Projects of this magnitude may also be too complicated for one contractor to manage or risk managing. It is why the main players often act as a consortium at different phases of the project.

The communication is often laden with different specialists and complications may arise from this if the management is slack.

  1. Manufacturing projects

These refer to the projects that aim to produce item(s) that have a special design and hardware. The final product may be a piece of equipment or machinery like ships, vehicles, aircraft, destroyers, submarines, etc.

Such projects are done in home-based environments or factories where the manufacturing companies practice spot on management.

In some cases, some projects may involve working away from the manufacturing plant. They may include installation, consumer training, service, and maintenance. Where the product is a complex product like an aircraft, different contractor companies may get involved at different stages. The companies involved may have overlapping international borders making communication and coordination a challenge between contractors.

The downside of massive manufacturing projects like this is that they attract high capital investments to run. Therefore it may be too complex for one contractor to see through the entire project to successful completion.

  1. Management Projects

Every company regardless of the size will need management expertise at some point. Such incidences occur when companies have to relocate from headquarters, introduce or develop a new computer system, launch marketing campaigns and prepare for trade exhibitions.

Management projects also produce feasibility and study reports. An organizations restructuring or general coordination of company activities that produce measurable results.

The nature of managing projects is not openly discerned. Even though they may lack visible or tangible creation they are still dependent on their successful outcome.

For example, there are instances where an organization invests in a new computer system but fails to implement its use correctly. This may result in critical systems and operational breakdown that exposes the managers involved to public ridicule or professional discredit.

Therefore, effective project management should be executed with as much importance as you will a manufacturing project or a large construction and mining company.

  1. Research projects

All research projects tend to follow the same principles regardless of whether it is an academic discipline or not. The intellectual deliverables cut across all subjects and disciplines. A dissertation must follow a predetermined format that includes the introduction, main body and have a conclusion.

A detailed research project must have a literature review, an investigation topic, and an analysis of research findings. 

Sometimes students encounter complex research projects that have multiple deadlines for different activities. The nature of such research projects may take many forms. There are tasks that must be performed consecutively. One task cannot begin until the previous is finished.

Other tasks can take place concurrently while others can be started without finishing the previous tasks but can never be completed without finishing the previous tasks. For example, you may analyze your data before you finish gathering the data.  

Research projects can be difficult when trying to establish the objective as the results may be unpredictable.

The objective of all projects

  • Function

The end result must always satisfy the needs of the final user. If for instance, it is a race bike you are making, the objective will be to meet the standard safety protocols and performance of the race bike.

  • Spend within budget limitations

It is important to complete objectives within the specified budget costs. Failure may lead to you having to charge more than your competitors with similar products.

  • Time

Projects often are time-sensitive as the completion of one project may be tied to a launching date. If the project is to develop a car, then the completion date should coincide with the launch at the motor show.

The objectives of projects can be captured by the triple constraint, which is atrguably the single most important concept in project management. According to the theory, projects operate within the constraints of scope, time, and cost. A change in one of the variable will affect other variables. A project manager’s job is to balance the trade-offs of the various variables. The triple constraint is also referred as the project management tiangle and triple triangle.

In the end, all successful projects are judged by the success of each stage of the project’s life cycle. However complicated a project may appear, you should always determine your depth by laying out a solid plan that will be executed on time.

All factors considered. Project management is not a single entity like a tool or a person. Instead, it is a practice. Like all practices, the more you do them the more you become knowledgeable and a master of the practice.

David Okul is an environmental management professional with over 10 years experience on donor projects, forestry, and community-based natural resources management.  

The post Know About Project Management Basics appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .
