Difference between content and copywriting Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development https://silvica.site/tag/difference-between-content-and-copywriting/ Greening our world through content Wed, 13 May 2020 10:17:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/silvica.site/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/cropped-silvica_image.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Difference between content and copywriting Archives - Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development https://silvica.site/tag/difference-between-content-and-copywriting/ 32 32 162136420 The distinction between a Copywriter and a Content Writer https://silvica.site/are-plastics-back-in-kenya-despite-the-ban-2/ Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:36:07 +0000 http://silvica.site/?p=439 By David Okul July 22, 2019 The world of marketing is changing. Almost all businesses recognize the value of blogs in their marketing activities. However, the roles of the copywriter and content writer are often understood. Although there are some overlaps between the terms, a distinction also exists. Some businesses are even engaging content strategists […]

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By David Okul
July 22, 2019

The world of marketing is changing. Almost all businesses recognize the value of blogs in their marketing activities. However, the roles of the copywriter and content writer are often understood. Although there are some overlaps between the terms, a distinction also exists. Some businesses are even engaging content strategists to better align their marketing materials. Silvica has prepared this short article to enhance your knowledge of copywriters, content writers, and content strategies

Consult us for professional copywriting and content writing especially on tourism and environmental content in Kenya
Copywriting and content writing are vital for any modern business

Both copywriting and content writing are useful in targeting prospective buyers at different stages of marketing

A Copywriter has the objective of making the consumer of the information to take action

Copywriting is the business of persuasion. Unlike the other forms of content writing, copywriters usually use a conversational and interactive tone. Since their goal is to persuade, they are more forceful in delivering their message. In many cases, copies are written to generate sales.  It is possible to focus on product copy, SEO copy or direct advertising.  Many successful copywriters specialize in specific industries.   

A key feature for a good copywriter is psychological and empathy skills. Copywriters need to understand the psychology for their target audience so that they can develop the right content for them. An understanding of SEO is useful in copywriting.

As the name suggests, content writers are more concerned with content

Yes, content writers write primarily to inform, educate, entertain or instruct readers. Content writing is relatively new for businesses as it has emerged with the advent of online technology. In contrast, copywriting has been present since the times’ businesses began to advertise. The content is generally designed to enhance the relationship between the content and the reader. Over time, content writers would make the audience trust the brand such that they would be interested in their products and services.

Also, good content writers need to understand keywords to enhance search engine visibility. Additionally, content writers need frequent fresh content ideas that will keep their audience engaged.

The internet provides an immense opportunity for businesses to market their products
Modern businesses are concerned with the most effective ways of generating sales from their online presence

Content strategists

They refer to people who define the brands’ overall direction in content marketing. They design the vision of the content and where it will be published. They also use analytical tools to make most of their decisions. Most content writers and copywriters are also content strategists. In fact, B2B marketers have found blogging to be more cost-effective than other traditional lead generation methods.

All in all, Silvica concludes that the work of the copywriters is to encourage people to take action. In theory, content writers have the primary purpose of engaging the reader. In reality, most content writers would end up doing copywriting because the content would often desire some action. Whether it is to elicit interest in the brand, generate social media likes, or subscribe to a page, the writer of the content wants the readers to take action. Businesses should have content strategists, copywriters and content writers if they are to build a formidable online marketing strategy.

References and Resources

David Okul is an environmental management professional with over 10 years experience on donor projects, conservation, forestry, ecotourism, and community-based natural resources management. When not working on  active environmental management projects, I spend my time writing for Silvica on a variety of topics.

The post The distinction between a Copywriter and a Content Writer appeared first on Silvica: Blog for Sustainable Development .
