Fair and Transparent Benefit Sharing In CBT
CBT is a promising segment as modern tourists are looking for unique and authentic experiences
CBT is a promising segment as modern tourists are looking for unique and authentic experiences
CBT is a promising segment as modern tourists are looking for unique and authentic experiences
Communities are usually excited when starting their new community-based tourism organizations. Consequently, they sometimes ignore the need for obtaining licenses and permits. It is true that getting licenses and permits…
CBT is a promising segment as modern tourists are looking for unique and authentic experiences
CBT is a promising segment as modern tourists are looking for unique and authentic experiences
CBT is taunted as the future of tourism
By David OkulJuly 14, 2019 Africa conservation mainly relies on ecotourism, which covid-19 has halted (Image from Pixabay) A brief discussion of the forms of alternative tourism Any ardent conservationist/traveler…