Read more about the article Nursery Operations: Soil Collection and Mixing
Silviculture deals with the management of forests and tree stands according to specific objectives

Nursery Operations: Soil Collection and Mixing

By David OkulJuly 29, 2019 Soil makes the foundation of your tree nursery. Ensure you have good quality soil through impeccable soil collection and mixing techniques Soil collectionSoil collection and…

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Read more about the article Define Silviculture in relations to forestry and silvics
Silviculture deals with the management of forests and tree stands according to specific objectives

Define Silviculture in relations to forestry and silvics

By David OkulJuly 29, 2019 Silviculture is a key concept in forestry Every person who is a forestry student or enthusiast has come across the term silviculture. But, for some,…

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Read more about the article Examples of Green economy strategies in countries
Green economy is cited as a feasible alternative way of sustainable development (Source, United Nation)

Examples of Green economy strategies in countries

By David OkulJuly 28, 2019 Green economy is gaining root as many countries are integrating the concept in their development plans The concept of the green economy is not an…

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Read more about the article Influence of policies and commitments on the Green Economy Concept
Green economy is cited as a feasible alternative way of sustainable development (Source, United Nation)

Influence of policies and commitments on the Green Economy Concept

By David OkulJuly 28, 2019 Green economy does not replace sustainable development. Instead, it is a tool for attaining sustainable development It is generally accepted that the environment needs not…

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Read more about the article Achieving the Green Economy Concept
Green economy is cited as a feasible alternative way of sustainable development (Source, United Nation)

Achieving the Green Economy Concept

By David OkulJuly 28, 2019 Green Economy : Approaches, challenges and opportunities Green Economy has been identified as a key approach in achieving sustainable development. While the concept makes sense,…

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